
I Sync, Therefore I Am.

2016 CHA PIZZA GIGS:       
  Sun. Dec 11 (Time to be determined, "not late").

Rick                                     Alan                                     Gareth
Photography by Carol Norton

Formerly unknown as Blue D'État (a name rather hurriedly adopted for a first live gig) InGroovement is a trio consisting of

We are three long-time friends who really started playing music together as a natural extension of our friendship, rather than the other way around.

Spanning a broad background of musical styles we also share a special appreciation of the blues, Richard Thompson, and Jack Bruce to name a few.

With combined experience of over a century and a half, as individuals we can also claim that we:

Even though he may not meet all of the above exacting qualifications, bro Bob Zeman is always welcome in any InGrooviasm whenever he comes to town.

Other musical friends you may see performing with us: Bil Jenko (piano); Leo Coach (piano); Dale Nemeth (guitar); Josh Cable (piano).


Alan is an immortal being with super-powers enabling him to simultaneously repair pianos and play butt-kicking jazz drums and oboe.
But wait, there's more, he can cook too!


Rick is inhabiting our niche of the space-time continuum until his own personal planet (on the other side of the galaxy) has been suitably remodeled to his feng shui satisfaction.
If he appears to vanish before your eyes he's probably off to consult with the contractor.


Aside from InGroovement, his other musical pursuits include:

CONTACT US: email "gareth»ridout»net" or through Alan's page.